Employer Manpower Request Forms

These forms are for employers to request manpower from IBEW Local 602.

Forms for Inside and Outside Construction.

Please be as detailed as possible providing request information.

A confirmation of the request will be delivered to the email address provided.

    Inside Request

    Fields marked with "*" are required and must be filled out to submit the form.

    Number of Each Requested Classification:

    Job Type

    Job Details:

    Special Requirements

    By clicking here I have read and agree with the dispatch rules and I certify that the above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

    Collective Bargaining Agreements

    Termination Slips

    Blank termination slips for inside and outside construction contractors if needed. *Contractors may use their own internal termination slips.

      Oustside Request

      Fields marked with "*" are required and must be filled out to submit the form.

      Number of Each Requested Classification:

      Job Type

      Job Details:

      Special Requirements

      By clicking here I have read and agree with the dispatch rules and I certify that the above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

      Collective Bargaining Agreements