About Us

We are your freinds and neighbors

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represents a diverse community of approximately 750,000 active members and retirees across the United States and Canada. Our union encompasses a wide range of professions, including utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads, and government sectors.

As proud union members, we recognize the power of collective bargaining. By joining together, we have the ability to negotiate as a unified force for better wages, benefits, and overall rights in the workplace. Our collective strength gives us a distinct advantage in advocating for fair treatment and improved conditions.

Through the process of collective bargaining, we can secure favorable contracts that provide legal protections and safeguards which individual employees may not have access to. It is the unity and solidarity within our ranks that amplifies our voices and helps us achieve positive changes in our working environments.

Together, we stand strong as a united workforce, advocating for the rights and well-being of all our members across various skilled occupations.

To learn more about IBEW Local 602, visit the new member orientation pages:

join the brotherhood today

One of our members would be happy to assist you


MEET OUR OFFICERS & STAFF...and learn how you can play an active role!

Robert Melton
Business Manager

The business manager shall be the principal officer of the L.U. and shall be held responsible to the L.U. and to the I.P. for results in organizing his jurisdiction, for establishing friendly relations with employers, and for protecting the jurisdiction of the I.B.E.W

Marcus Lundegreen
Assistant Business Manager - Web/Digital Media

Responsible for maintaining website, member portal and social media accounts. Reports directly to the business Manager.

Bill Bray
Assistant Business Manager - Operations/Dispatch

Responsible for maintaining up to date job boards and referring members to work. Reports directly to the business Manager.

Christopher Dean
Assistant Business Manager (Lubbock Office)

Responsible for managing the Lubbock division office, for maintaining friendly relations with signatory contractors, and for servicing the needs of members employed at signatory contractors in the area. Reports directly to the business Manager.

Mike Andrade
Xcel Utility Representative

Responsible for maintaining friendly relations with Xcel Energy, and for servicing the needs of the members employed at the company. Reports directly to the business Manager.

Nick Trevino
Inside Membership Development Coordinator

Responsible for establishing and maintaining friendly relations with employers, and for protecting the jurisdiction of I.B.E.W Local 602 by furthering membership development, including all those in the electrical construction trades and electrical manufacturing.

John Paul Avila
Inside Membership Development Coordinator

Responsible for establishing and maintaining friendly relations with employers, and for protecting the jurisdiction of I.B.E.W Local 602 by furthering membership development, including all those in the electrical construction trades and electrical manufacturing.

Jeff Johnson
Outside Membership Development Coordinator

Responsible for establishing and maintaining friendly relations with employers, and for protecting the jurisdiction of I.B.E.W Local 602 by furthering membership development, including all those in the electrical utilities.

Nick Trevino

The President shall be held responsible for the strict enforcement of the International Constitution and the Local Union bylaws.

Jason Parkhill
Vice President

The vice president shall assist the president in the discharge of his duties and shall fill his place in case of the president’s absence and perform such other duties as are required by the Constitution and the bylaws of Local 602.

Christopher Zartun

The treasurer shall receive from the Financial Secretary all moneys collected or the bank record of money deposited in Local 602's bank account and give proper receipt for the same.

Bill Bray
Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall keep correct minutes of each meeting of Local 602, answer all correspondence in accordance with instructions given him by Local 602 or the president, make out all orders on the treasurer for the payment of authorized bills, and perform such other duties as are directed by the president.

Stephanie Pantoja
Office Manager

Responsible for organizing office operations and procedures; preparing payroll; controlling correspondence; designing filing systems; assigning and monitoring clerical functions.

Malorie Moran
Office Assistant

Maintains office operations by receiving and distributing communications; maintaining supplies and equipment; serving members.

Rita Sifuentes
Office Assistant (Lubbock)

Maintains office operations by receiving and distributing communications; maintaining supplies and equipment; serving members.

Executive BoardMeets between regular meetings of Local 602 and has the power to take any action that the Local Union can take, and which should be taken prior to the next regular meeting.

Mark Walker
Executive Board (Construction)
William Pate
Executive Board (Construction)
Daniel Bishop
Executive Board (Construction)
Jimmy Lee Copley
Executive Board (SPS)
Brock Baker
Executive Board (SPS)
Executive Board (SPS)
Arleen Waak
Executive Board (Pantex)
Tommy Monk
Executive Board (Bldg Trades)